Hello there wonderful ladies. Name is Anita Amaka and I’m here for you.(Yes you). I’m here to remind you how lucky you are to be a woman, very lucky indeed. This is because you’re one of the loveliest creatures God ever designed (not just made oh but designed) 😀 .I’m sure you know the difference btw locally made and designers,lol 😉 . I’m here to also discuss things that will enlighten you, empower you, educate you, & encourage you to be that beautiful you God designed. Now you must agree with me that in this male dominated world we live in, it’s sometimes difficult to be you as a woman without fear of intimidation.

I heard or read somewhere  that it’s hard to be a woman because you must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a young girl and work like a horse.

Funny but that’s the whole truth; it’s what the society expects from us and ‘cuz God made us unique, we can do all that and more, only when we believe & have faith in ourselves that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Now what I’m saying is this, first, you should believe in God and know that with him all things are possible. Then as a woman, you should be able to think hard and deep. You should be able to think out things that can change or make a difference in the world not necessarily the world at large but at least in someone’s world. This is “thinking like a man”. It’s not only men that have world-changing ‘thinking faculties’, Men and women are created by the same God so you  can do better. Don’t forget “what a man can do, a woman can do better.”
To act like a lady, well one of the dictionary meanings of the word ‘Lady’ is “a woman of refinement and gentle manners “. Another says “awoman who behaves in a polite way”. So when you are asked to act like a lady, I’m sure you know what is required of you. An improved version of you with polite and gentle manners.  Yes I know there are so many trials and temptations that seeks to disrupt our lovely lives, thereby causing us to act in an unladylike manner, but trust me dearie, with self-control, you can be able to act gently towards them. Know that when the world sees you as a lady, they will handle you with care and respect.
Look like a young girl.  Wow! Tough huh? I know, you know, but nobody else knows this except us. So try as hard as you can to look young for your own self love and crush and all the selfie stuff. lol. One of the ways you can achieve this is through your dressing. “The way you are dressed is the way you are addressed ” Don’t go dressing in see-through and skimpy clothes o, hmmm that one has its own term and it is not looking good and young. Wear clothes that will make you feel good and comfortable. You can also look young when you eat good food that nourishes your body and again taking good care of your precious skin with good skin care products helps.
Finally, work like a horse. Hmmm! first of all, a horse is considered to be a very strong animal. It is used for carrying loads, pulling things, riding and racing. In other words, a horse carries a lot of weight on its shoulders just like us women. We are very strong creatures even though the term ‘delicate’ is used for us. Working harder than a horse and carrying so much weight on our shoulders is not a new thing. It is expected of us to be strong and hardworking and we are.

You are! Don’t think or accept otherwise. As a student, graduate with good results. When working, be the best in your field, even when you have to combine school or work with family, know that you are strong and unique.
Just keep thanking God that you’re a woman because you’re strong, you’re beautiful, you’re valuable, you’re virtuous, you’re loved and you’re fearfully and wonderfully made.
Keep these in mind till I come around next time.